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Why VIS ? 

  1. 義大利為高GDP國家,經濟發達,2014年義大利為全世界第八大經濟強國

  2. VIS的環境帶給學生友善、自信請成功的氛圍

  3. VIS致力於教育未來可以為世界貢獻的領導者

  4. 藉由VIS的專業指導,學生將能夠在自己的人生或是創業上更上一層樓

  5. VIS傳授正確價值觀並鼓勵同學保持正向樂觀

  6. 優秀的領導能力是事業成功的鑰匙,學位會使同學得到領域知識

  7. 小班制保證,學生會得到國際經驗豐富的師傅的關注,學習的更完整徹底

  8. 課程即將打開您對全球的視野

  9. 即使每位同學未來的目標都不同,都能透過專業及經驗豐富的老師指導

  10. VIS給同學一個追求世界認知學位的機會,且用英文授課,同學來自各地

Vesuvio International School 


Studying with Vis, it means getting job opportunities through technology and knowledge of the subject.

Our courses have been appreciated in many reception facilities in the world and still today, our students are the face, the pride and the fundamental basis of our success as International Institute and as a social reality in the territory of Naples.










Vis is registered private higher institute in Italy, its recognized by the state and it autonomous to issue the valid titles  for the courses. 





IDEART its french accreditation body which will be issuing International Bachelors degree.

IDEART 是頒發國際學士學位的法國認證機構。




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